Hammondsport Central School's


Welcome to the Technology Department. Here you will find helpful troubleshooting tips, contact information, and a link to report technology trouble.

Tips For Chromebook Trouble

black screen


  1. Do a hard shut down or restart.

  2. Hold the power button at the upper right of your keyboard down until the blue power light goes out.

  3. Turn the Chromebook back on.

  4. Did the Chromebook come back on and work properly? If yes you are done. If no continue.

  5. If turning your Chromebook off did not help, please go to the computer lab and someone will look at it.

no wifi


  1. First power your Chromebook off and on and see if internet is connected. This means to completely power off Chromebook.

  2. If the internet is connected you are done. If not go to step 2.

  3. Click the internet symbol on the taskbar at the bottom right of your screen. A new box appears. Click on "connect to". A new box will appear with the list of all available Wi-Fi networks.

  4. Click on your Wi-Fi network. You may have to enter your Wi-Fi password. If you are on the internet you are all set. If you are not on the internet go to step 5.

  5. Be sure you are logged into the internet. This needs to be done once every 24 hours.

Even when you are at home you still have to log on with your school information.

log in screen

Follow these steps to log into the internet

  1. Go to a website like www.disney.com or www. Espn.com.

  2. Once you have gone to the website if you are not logged in the lightspeed sign in page will appear.

  3. If necessary log into the internet.

If you are logged in and it still is not working please stop into the computer lab and someone will assist you. If it is not logged in, log in and try WIFI again. If it still does not work please stop into the computer lab and someone will assist you.

Remember your login information is:

Username - first initial of first name and complete last name all lowercase

Ex. Brandy Smith’s username is bsmith

Password - last name all lower case and student number

Ex. Brandy Smith’s password would be smith23054

Is your Google account not working properly:

  1. Turn your Chromebook completely off and back on.

  2. Sign out of your Google account and sign back in.

  3. If your Google account is still not working properly stop into the computer lab and someone will assist you.

Is your Chromebook not charging?

  1. Please be sure that both parts of the charger are connected.

  2. Try plugging your Chromebook into another outlet.

  3. Leave your Chromebook plugged in for 15 minutes.

  4. If your Chromebook still will not charge please bring your Chromebook and charger to the computer lab and someone will assist you. If you aren’t at school and need assistance please fill out a Chromebook support form. Someone from IT will get back to you as soon as possible.

Printer Help

Printing Trouble

  1. Powering your iPad, Chromebook, Laptop, or ASUS completely off?

  2. Logging into the internet?

  3. Updated your device?

  4. Clear browser setting from the beginning of time.

  5. If you have done both step 1, 2, 3, and 4 now re-open what you are trying to print and print again.

  6. If steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 don’t work then PLEASE come to the High School Lab.

 If you are still having trouble, please come to the high school computer lab for assistance. 

If you are not at school, please fill out Chromebook Trouble Form

Don't forget, before you start troubleshooting, is your device charged? 

Call the Tech Help Line - at 569-5200